Saturday, October 4, 2014

We´re open!!

Yessiree, folks!
…it´s been a combination of hard work and fun putting this place together, and now everything is in place and we´re good to go…!
For those of you out there who haven't been to our place but do have the intention of dropping by, here are our "store hours":

Mondays to Fridays:
9:30 - 12:15 noon
4:00 - 8:00 p.m.

10:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Welcome to The Bubble!
For our future students, this is something we feel we have to explain, so, allow me.
Learning English (or any other foreign language, for that matter) is most effective if the learner is immersed completely in an environment where that language is spoken. Since the reality is that only a few have the opportunity to actually pack up and go live for a time in the foreign country of their choice, we think that the next best thing is to try and create for oneself the necessary conditions that  simulate  the experience of living in a foreign country as close as possible. We at iSpeak help the learner create that environment, that "bubble". Once the learner has started his English training with us, they have to know that all, and we mean ALL communication and interaction with their teachers and fellow students at the academy WILL BE EXCLUSIVELY IN ENGLISH. We also remind them that this "English bubble" extends itself even to outside our academy doors: if they have to communicate with their teachers via email, phone, text messaging, Morse code, smoke signals, or any other media, this communication WILL BE DONE EXCLUSIVELY IN ENGLISH; if they arrive at the academy doors at the same time that their teachers are opening shop in the mornings and they want to make small talk, all that small talk WILL BE EXCLUSIVELY IN ENGLISH; if, on the happenstance, they come across their teachers at the supermarket, malls, or in a public toilet somewhere, or while paying a parking fine in some town hall because they both swear that for some reason the "Loading and Unloading Only" sign was not visible, or on vacation in some remote town in Teruel when they think they´re finally having a break from English, or any other imaginable place and they want to greet their teachers, the greeting WILL BE DONE EXCLUSIVELY IN ENGLISH. Plus, of course, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND that they watch videos, movies (or short snippets of movies), TV talk shows in English, since hey, everyone´s got Internet and we know this media has no shortage of these resources.
We truly believe that if they collaborate with us in creating this "Bubble", their learning experience will be more holistic, practical, and effective and will take them light years AWAY from the traditional, boring, even nightmarish memories they may have from their school days when English teaching always began with "My tailor is rich" as the first catch phrase…...

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